These puppies, priced at $850 or less, typically have no underlying issues; they are simply often overlooked due to their more understated appearance, such as being “plainer black tri” in color. Their value lies in their quality and temperament, rather than their visual appeal.
All puppies current on shots, worming, flea treatment AND VET CHECKED guaranteed prior to going home. Started on Potty training. 1mth Free Insurance* 2 year Genetic health guarantee
Parents registered multi generation ASDR with foundation and champion pedigrees.
Genetically tested to ensure you get a long term healthy companion.
ALL DOGS, Puppies and facility USDA VET checked
ALL puppies are bred for family happy temperments,
noted if either shy or hyper.
Prices noted as
-Pets price- NO papers, NO BREEDING- spay/neuter required
I WiLL NOT HOLD without a DEPOSIT !!
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